About us
ORPLANA - Organization of Cane Producers Associations in Brazil - was founded on June 29, 1976, with the purpose of organize the class of producers and increasing their representation in Brazil and abroad.
Our Mission is to ensure a secure and profitable future for sugarcane producers seeking excellence in agricultural production and coordination of the sugar-energy chain.
With headquarters in Ribeirão Preto / SP, it currently has 32 associations of sugarcane suppliers, of which 24 are in the state of São Paulo, 1 in Mato Grosso, 1 in Mato Grosso do Sul, 3 in Minas Gerais and 3 in Goiás. ORPLANA represents approximately 11,000 suppliers of sugarcane in the entire Central-South Region of Brazil.
From September of 2019, ORPLANA will have national coverage, assuming a strategic commitment to serve all Brazilian sugarcane producers.

Our goals
We aim to support, reinforce and maintain the competitive advantages of independent sugarcane producers, maximizing their efficiency and profitability. To be a facilitator in the development of technical and strategic knowledge for the sugar-energy chain, assisting in effective decision-making. Develop a favorable external environment for sugar cane producers through institutional marketing in the sector and the defense of their rights. Contribute to maintaining the competitiveness of the sugar-energy sector in the long term. Increase the efficiency levels of the associations of sugarcane producers that are members of ORPLANA, maintaining the unity of the class.
Representativeness of producers along with cooperatives, plants, research centers, CONSECANA and other stakeholders for the sustainable development of the integrated sugarcane chain.
Dissemination of knowledge among Member Associations.
Dialogue with public and private sectors and society at the national and international levels.
Management 2022-2025

Gustavo Rattes de Castro

Bruno Rangel Geraldo Martins

Eduardo Vasconcellos Romão

1976 a 1977
Antonio José Rodrigues Filho

He was one of the founders of Orplana, being the first to assume the presidency of the entity. He took office on June 29, 1976, when approval of the entity's statute was also granted. Rodrigues Filho transferred his experience as leader and defender of the associativism and cooperativism to establish the solid bases that turned Orplana into a reference as representative entity of the sugarcane sector.
1977 a 1995
Hermínio Jacon

He presided over Orplana for 18 years and, during the period in which he was the head of the organization, promoted actions for its strengthening, such as the creation of Technical Assistance for the provision of services to associates. At this stage, the entity started to have its own headquarters and the dialogue between the public and private agencies expanded. There was also the access of the producers to new technologies, which led to the modernization of the sugar cane industry.
1995 a 1998
José Coral

Realizing the changes that were occurring in the sector, it stimulated the modernization of Orplana, representing the interests of the producers in a new scenario that was already being drawn. He led the organization in discussions and studies, culminating in the creation of CONSECANA, a system that was adopted in the 98/99 harvest and became a reference for the payment of sugarcane.
Implementation of CONSECANA/SP
With the dismantling of the government apparatus and the end of administered prices, there was a need to establish a new systematics for the definition of the value of sugarcane produced and sold by the rural producers to industries, therefore CONSECANA-SP was created. The Council created a model which allows a raw material price to be determined based on the quality of sugar cane and the prices of sugar and ethanol.
1998 a 2001
Maria Amélia de Souza Dias

Worked with the objective to approach Orplana and its associates and expanding the area of activity of the entity. Led the organization in a strategic way, amid the great adversities faced by the entire productive chain in that period. Always defending the interests of sugar planters. One of the highlights of her management was the signing of CONSECANA, considered a fairer model for payment of sugarcane.
2001 a 2007
Manoel Carlos de Azevedo Ortolan

Strengthened the relationship between the Orplana and public and private agencies, increased political representation of the organization, making it were part of national and international organizations related to the sector. Also promoted the participation of sugarcane producers in the process of expansion of the sugar and alcohol industry.
Membership WABCG (World Association Of Beet And Cane Growers)
The World Association Of Beet And Cane Growers (WABCG) is the international organization that agroup national and regional associations of sugar beet and sugar cane producers at international level. WABCG is present in 30 countries, producing 60% of the world sugar production, currently has 30 member associations from five continents.
2007 a 2013
Ismael Perina Júnior

Promoted advances in the entity, facing challenges of market and production. Approached the entity with its associates, promoting updating of technical departments. In addition, ORPLANA expanded its participation in national and international public and private forums, showing the importance of the 'sugarcane producer' segment within the production chain and working for the union of the class.
2013 a 2016
Manoel Carlos de Azevedo Ortolan

He participated in the creation and implementation ORPLANA the Strategic Plan (2015/2025), aiming at a structural renovation in order to offer to its members a modern and dynamic entity. Seeking to guarantee a safe and profitable future for the sugar cane producer. The moving of its headquarters to Ribeirão Preto, making logistically more favorable the presence of its associations.
Development of Strategic Planning ORPLANA 2015/2025
Orplana, in its purpose of representing the interests of sugarcane producers, wishes to provide its members with better competitive conditions. In order to adapt the organization to the most modern practices adopted by national and international associations, Orplana's Strategic Planning project aims to define the association's guidelines for the next 10 years.
Hiring Manager and start the implementation of the Strategic Plan
Its central objective is the development of the activities to elaborate the plan that will support the decisions regarding the future direction and the structuring of the projects and goals of implementation of the decisions resulting from the strategic planning.
Moving to Ribeirão Preto/SP
One of the Strategic Planning projects was to change the ORPLANA headquarters to adapt the location to the needs of its members, facilitating the integration between ORPLANA and Member Associations. Creating synergy and strengthening partnerships with various entities and companies in the industry.
2016 a 2019
Eduardo Vasconcellos Romão

ORPLANA's current President has the goal of developing ORPLANA 2015/2025 Strategic Planning, in addition to inserting the associates into the reality of world demand, which should require a 40% increase in food, fiber and energy production to feed nine billion people. that sustainability should be the main focus to reach this level.
2019 a 2022
Gustavo Rattes de Castro

Management based on Orplana's greater visibility, sending it to national coverage, changing its name to Organization of Associations of Producers of Sugarcane in Brazil. Proactive positioning of Orplana in its representativeness in national agricultural policy. Integrated Programs MUDA CANA, SegmentaCANA and CANA Forum meeting the fulfillment of Integrated Projects.